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C’est avec une très grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de notre collaboratrice Miriam Ellis à Santa Cruz, Californie. Musicologue, parlant parfaitement le français, elle traduisait depuis de ...
This "Chopin" proves overall to be overwhelming, amazing, even insolent, insofar as it has everything possible in it, allowing us to learn all about the man, his time, and his work. ...
This autobiography of Madame Bertil Niklasson, stage name Birgit Nilssson, written in Swedish, translated into Danish, then German, then English, is solid, frank, direct, never reckless, always spontaneous and witty. ...
In the little game of drawing familiar analogies, always a bit foolish, it’s true, but still unavoidable, Charlie Harmon’s compilation quickly joins the leading ranks of works published in 2018 ...
From the first lines of this Famous Father Girl, A Memoir of Growing up Bernstein, a passably inelegant, even frankly indigestible title, the reader quickly discovers little Jamie, oldest daughter ...
Toscanini : Musician of Conscience is a fascinating tome of 923 pages (in English) devoted to Toscanini. Fascinating, because it’s often brilliant and unquestionably deserves a place among the greatest ...
This priceless CD illustrates, as if that were still necessary, and strongly underscore the consummate vocal and dramatic mastery of this great American mezzo of the 50’s and 60’s. It offers ...
The Bridgewater Sonata by Emmanuel Dongala presents a fictionalized version of the apprenticeship of the Polish virtuoso violinist George Bridgetower, to whom his friend Beethoven initially dedicated his Violin Sonata ...
A new biography, rich in detail, at times somewhat dense, which aims to tell us everything about the woman who was, in her time (the era of Lola Montez, Cora ...
The primary great value of Mary F. McVicker’s work is that she has succeeded in cataloguing an overwhelming mass of material for those of us who would never have known ...
A work that is at once appealing, captivating, even fascinating andengaging, superabundant, made up of 650 letters, memos and notes, selected, prioritized, with detailed care and foresight, with thoughtful rigor ...
This new hefty tome by Kenneth Stern, like Opera In America, A Cultural History, by John Dizkes, reviewed here a few weeks ago, belongs to what one might call the ...