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The Winners of the International Classical Music Awards – ICMA 2018

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ICMA - Official Logo WINNER

For the 2018, the Jury has once more selected musicians and organizations that have distinguished themselves through outstanding achievements. The independent and international jury has also chosen their favourites from 357 nominated audio and video releases.

Jury President said: « Running for eight years, has become a huge annual celebration and a widely respected benchmark for musical excellence. One of the reasons of this recognition is that our Jury is not influenced by any kind of lobbying during the process of picking the winners. To start our votes, we again had a strong nomination list, and our goal was to only pick the best out of the best. Each year, the Jury identifies the highest standards, and the musicians honoured in 2018 are testament to the worlds thriving and vibrant music community. »

's favourite baritone, , receives the Lifetime Achievement Award, , Music Director of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, is 's Artist of the Year. The Young Artist of the Year Award goes to the outstanding Luxembourgian-Austrian percussionist Christoph Sietzen. With the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra hosting the Award Ceremony and the Gala Concert on April 6 in Katowice, the ICMA Jury paid special attention to the Polish music life and awarded an Outstanding Young Polish Artist Award to pianist Szymon Nehring. The winner of the Discovery Award, which ICMA organizes in collaboration with the International Music Academy of Liechtenstein, is the sixteen-year-old Chinese flutist Yu Yuan.

Alpha is Label of the Year, and among the other winners are the Centre Luslawice, the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, and Melodiya for its Anthology of Russian Symphonic Music.

Among the audio and video awards, the recipients are , Stefan Temmingh, , , Łukasz Borowicz, , , , , , , and Markus Poschner.

The ICMA Jury is looking forward to welcoming the winners at the Award Ceremony and Gala Concert on April 6 at the magnificent concert hall of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, conducted by .

The complete list of the 2018 ICMA Winners can be found here.

Since 2010, ResMusica has been the French representative to the ICMA Jury.

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