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ICMA Announce Classic Event of the Year

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ICMA - Official Logo WINNER

Leipzig's Gewandhaus will host on 1 April an outstanding classic event: 's Gala Concert and Award Ceremony.

For the first time in Germany, the (), the only international Music Awards, will present at 8:00 pm an exceptional Gala concert with the Gewandhausorchester and conductor Francesco Angelico, Ensemble Esperanza, MDR Rundfunkchor and soloists , , , , , , Caroline Widmann, , , , Robert Neumann, , and . The Award Ceremony (at 5:00 pm, with free entrance) will be presented by president and musically enriched by Ensemble Esperanza, winner of a Special Award, Discovery Award winner Robert Neumann and the outstanding Belgian pianist Florian Noack, winner in the Solo Instrument category.

Since 2009, ResMusica has been the French representative to the ICMA Jury.

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