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ICMA 2016 – The winners

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ICMA - winners
The Jury of the () announced today the Awards for 2016.

Soprano Dame is honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Composer, trombonist and conductor is Artist of the Year, cellist Pablo Ferrandez Young Artist of the Year. For the first time the new Discovery Award for musicians from 12 to 18 is awarded to flutist , born in 2002, of Korean-Russian parentage.

Harmonia Mundi is Label of the Year. Special Awards are going to and to the label Genuin for the Edition. In the Audio and Video categories, 15 productions from 15 different labels are awarded a prize.

Among the artists performing on the winning audio and video releases are , and , , , , , Andras Schiff, , Yevgeny Sudbin, Sir , , and .

ICMA President says: « Only an international jury like ours can get, at the end, such an impressive international result with productions from 15 labels and nine different countries. According to our criteria only really outstanding recordings are allowed to win a prize, and to get there, we will certainly never be misled by any chart rankings or the whatsoever popularity of artists. At ICMA, also less known musicians and smaller independent labels have a chance. It's all about musical quality and integrity! »

The Award Ceremony and Gala Concert will take place on April 1, at the Kursaal in San Sebastian, hosted by the Orquesta de Euskadi (Basque National Orchestra) and San Sebastian European Capital of Culture 2016.

The list with all the awards is here.

Since 2009, ResMusica has been the French representative to the ICMA Jury.

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